January 19, 2014

Pint Mason Jars

So my love for Mason jars has added a new little something to my collection of sundry items. As Christmas gifts for my friends I wanted to give blue glass pint jars. One cannot just give a jar to a friend one must make it a little sweater for it. So here we are at the beginning of 2014 with Mason jars with cozie little sweater on. With all things that are found under the label decor I have trucked a few down to Ainsworth on Granville Island right here in lovely Vancouver. Should you find your self with a little sweater on a Mason jar you can fill it with a variety of fluids hot or cold and have yourself cozie little mug. If you find yourself wanting to take you mug on the go The Soap Dispensary on Main St. (as do some other kitchen places) have conversion lids that turn this little cozie jar into a to go mug.

Little sweaters to keep contents warm or cool but most of all stylish.

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

Ingredients: Lemons, limes, oranges, salt, honey, water, coconut water, sugar, strawberries.Why the ingredients: There isn’t much need to delve into why each ingredient is included. They all fall under the blanket statement of being a good source of electrolytes, tasty, or both.

Lay-Low Recipe
You will need…
-1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice
-1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
-1 ½ to 2 cups fresh water, depending on how strong you want the flavor
-1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
-2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste
Toss everything into a food blender and blend until the honey is dissolved, or just use some elbow grease and blend it by hand. Pour yourself a tall glass, drop in a few ice cubes, and enjoy.

Bright ‘n Early Recipe
You will need…
-1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
-1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
-1 ½ to 2 cups of fresh water
-1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
-2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste
Same as above. You can halve or double the recipe as you need, and feel free to experiment with flavors. Keep in mind citrus fruits, especially orange, are a good source of electrolytes.

Sweet and Smooth-ie recipe
You will need…
-3 cups of coconut water
-1 cup of strawberries
-1 cup of fresh water
-1 cup of ice
-1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
-2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste

Throw into your blender and let it run until everything is thoroughly mixed together and the mixture is smooth.
I got these from every day roots.